15 August, 2014

On My Jolly Holidays...

Recently I went on holiday to Wales for a few days. I used to travel there all the time when I was younger because my Nan and Granddad live there. Though I haven't managed to return for quite a few years now, and was so excited when booking my holidays this year. 

Before we had even got to our hotel, we decided to stop off in Abergele and climb a mountain. And let me tell you.. it was a mountain alright! It must have taken us around 30- 40 minutes to make it to the top, especially with the steep slopes and guessing the way. It was also around the only time throughout the whole holiday that I managed to gain any signal too. The view was beautiful too (the top photo), though i'm slightly gutted that there are black marks blocking some corners of my photos, which is down to my phone case. I didn't realise until after I got home. 

We traveled up to Llandudno and stayed in such a cute hotel. It had a purple and white vintage theme and was exactly how I imagine my room to be in the future. Any vintage/ beauty fanatic would have loved it; I sighed a little every morning when I had to leave the room and go out, it was that nice! We only stayed for three days because of work, but we were sure to make the most of it. 

Almost immediately after we arrived in Llandudno, we went straight for fish and chips, a holiday favorite of most, I just couldn't pass up the opportunity. I somehow also managed to find myself in an arcade after trailing through all the cute gift shops. Let me just say I am ace at those 2p machines! I was also shown what rock pooling was, which i'm now ashamed to admit I had never done before. For all you other first timers, you should really hurry up and take part, its so exciting finding all sorts of sea creatures under such tiny rocks! 

Of course, on the second day I just had to go crabbing. I hadn't done it in so long and it's almost a necessity when in Wales, especially when we were so close to Colwyn. We had only been there for an hour, and managed to catch 53 crabs.. they weren't small ones either! I'm happy to say I soon caught the knack of that too, and had a smug smile on my face for the rest of the day. 

The third day was travelling home day, but not before we went to the Welsh Mountain Zoo. A post on that will probably follow tomorrow. Not many of you know this, but I'm on a Zoo Management Degree Course, and I was quite shocked to see the enclosures these animals are kept in. I'm unsure whether that's because I'm used to Chester Zoo standards or what, but more of that will follow tomorrow! 

All in all I had such a lovely few days in Wales, letting my hair down and having fun!
Where are you off on holiday?


  1. aww sounds like you had a great time! the weather looks like it was great for you too! id love it if youd comment back http://www.amyelizabethfashion.com/2014/08/little-miss-amy-elizabeth.html xx

  2. aw some lovely photos you have here, that tiny crab is soo cute xx

