04 March, 2014

Liebster Award Tag

Now i'll be honest, i have never heard of this tag before, and don't even know what Liebster means... I just googled it.. It means 'Sweetest/kindest/welcome' so that's cute.

So the rules of this Award are:
  • Write 11 facts about yourself.
  • Answer the 11 questions given by the person who nominated you. 
  • Create 11 new questions
  • Nominate 11 bloggers and tag them in your post 

  1. I have never fake tanned
  2. My favourite animal is a panda
  3. I hate wearing lipstick or anything else on my lips
  4. I have green eyes
  5. I prefer hot to cold
  6. I used to be a netball player
  7. I am a part time Youtuber
  8. I am doing a Zoo Management Degree
  9. I have never been abroad
  10. I can solve a rubiks cube
  11. I have three tattoos 

My 11 questions to answer:
  1. What's your favourite music genre? pop/rock if that is even a genre?
  2. If you had to pick ONE item if you were on a desert island, what would it be? My kobo- That's really sad isn't it?
  3. Most worn makeup product? Rimmel Scandaleyes khol eyeliner pencil
  4. Favourite M.A.C. product? I don't own/have never tried M.A.C :(
  5. Dog or a cat person? Cats all the way!
  6. Who is your celebrity crush? Umm.. Gary Barlow!
  7. What camera do you use for your Blog? Panasonic V110 camcorder
  8. Do you have a YouTube channel? LETS FOLLOW EACH OTHER! Yes! Robyn6464. How original ehh?
  9. Favourite TV show? Pretty Little Liars. Though it's not shown in the UK anymore. Two and a half men for us British folk.
  10. Can you drive? Of course, you know my driving is amazing!
  11. Your favourite clothing item in your wardrobe? Blue plaid top- the best purchase i've made in ages!

  1. What number one eye product would you love to try?
  2. Straight hair or curly hair?
  3. What blogs do you check daily?
  4. What is your favourite perfume?
  5. In your opinion, what is your best blog post so far? Give us the link
  6. Gold or silver jewellery?
  7. Favourite make-up brand?
  8. Who is your style icon?
  9. Make-up or hair products?
  10. If you could be best friends with one celebrity, who would it be?
  11. What is the last beauty product you purchased?



  1. Lovely post, going to check out your youtube! x

    1. Awh thanks :) I'm pretty new to the youtube world.
      Your blog is really cute!x
