So I thought I would try something different and post an OOTE, instead of the after pictures from the night. I absolutely love this new dogtooth print that is coming back into fashion, and the day this outfit came into stock at work was the day I purchased this baby. The only fault I have is that they both only come in two sizes- S/M or M/L. Very American. This suited me fine, as I was able to buy the S/M for both, but the M/L didn't look much bigger at all.
The top was £12.99, and the skirt was £9.99. Luckily for me, I work for New Look, so got them both half price. So as you can imagine, this just made me even happier with my purchase! I'm always after new outfits that are able to show off my figure properly, as (since I have much bigger boobs than most) I can't wear many types of dresses/two pieces, as they make me look big and frumpy. I also forgot to mention that I am extremely pale, and have not yet fake tanned.
The necklace was an added extra at the till, since I love big statement jewellery pieces at the moment. I'm slowly starting to gain a collection of them all, which i'm not complaining at! I think the necklace was around £12.99, which again was half price for me (YAY!)
I've saved my purchase of the day until last, as I absolutely love them, and still can't get over the price. If you have ever worked in a clothes shop, you will have realised just how many odd pairs of shoes that are left over, when people don't bother to look at the shoe sizes before buying/selling them. At New Look, we decided to sell the odd shoes, to get rid of them whilst still making a profit. You can't tell when they are on, but these are actually one size 5 and one size 6. They have stretched really well, so fit me just like any other shoes do.. and now for the best bit... They were only £3! I know, i couldn't get over that either!!
If you can live with knowing one shoe may be bigger/smaller than the other, than it is really worth asking clothes shops if they do have any odd shoe sales. A lot will not put them out on the shop floor, as most customers are too ignorant to understand that this is how they are being sold. But it's a cute little saver if, like me, you don't mind!
What is your opinion on the dogtooth pattern coming back in to fashion? And would you ever buy odd shoes for this price?
That outfit looks so good on you.
ReplyDeletePS: I nominated you for the Libester award.