18 June, 2015

15 Beauty Mistakes You Need To Stop Making

With summer officially starting in just three days, I thought now would be a good idea to create a list of mistakes I used to mistake as a rookie. Some of these are common sense, and some of these are things I know my friends still do!

  1. Not cleaning your make-up brushes.. Seriously, I know the hassle, and it's such a chore, but your skin will help you for it!
  2. Matching your foundation to the back of your hand.. I never thought twice about doing this in high school, and never understood why my face was so orange afterwards..
  3. Sleeping in your make-up.. C'mon, stop being lazy! Think of your pores here!
  4. Applying make-up to dry skin.. The amount of moisturiser I have to use is ridiculous, but I would rather do this each day than have flakey foundation.
  5. Curing your eyelashes with mascara already on.. This is only a recent thing i've stopped doing, because it used to save me time.
  6. Applying your make-up in the wrong lighting.. Natural lighting gives you a much better view. 
  7. Keeping your old make-up for too long.. I used to be awful with this, and then wondered why my foundation was suddenly 2 shades darker when I next wanted to use it!
  8. Applying the wrong shade of concealer.. I've found applying a lighter shade of concealer can help brighten your skin a lot!
  9. Applying too much foundation.. It's not attractive seeing somebodies foundation dry out on their face, or rub off on their collar!
  10. Not changing your foundation to suit the seasons.. Using waterproof and cream based make-up in the summer will stop it from literally melting off your face.
  11. Not testing your make-up before you purchase it.. The packaging may look nice, but products often oxidise and change colour when it comes in contact with the air. 
  12. Shading your brows too dark.. Using a pencil that is the same as your natural eyebrow often makes it look too intense and full on, opt for a shade lighter.
  13. Not blending your face to your neck.. Having an orange face and a white neck is never a good look. Luckily this is one thing I always remember. 
  14. Applying too much mascara.. Two coats is plenty, anything else often starts to make your eyelashes clump together and that sight isn't pretty. 
  15. Over bronzing.. Don't apply bronzer to your whole face. Many people make the mistake of applying it like a normal powder, or using it like a highlighter. Big no!
Comment below any beauty mistakes you've made in the past!


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