01 June, 2015

To Liquid Eyeliner, Or Not To Liquid Eyeliner?

For some unknown reason, once females hit their twenties, they suddenly set out to find the best liquid eyeliner possible. Now i've read plenty of bloggers ranting or raving about their experiences with different liquids, but i'm yet to find somebody that is truely happy with their eyeliner. I've been using eyeliner since high school.. mind you, it's only in the last few years that i've moved to a liquid liner, and i'm still searching for that perfect liner that I can happily use every day.  

I had the MAC Liquid Eyeliner given to me as a gift for my 21st birthday off this little cherub (Click Here), and I was super excited to start using it, since I've got on so well with the MAC Studio Sculpt.. It's now my go-to foundation! Around about the same time, I also purchased the Rimmel London Exaggerate Eyeliner, since i've got on with their felt tip eyeliner in the past, and I like most Rimmel products i've used. 

With the MAC eyeliner being a bit pricier than usual (even though it was still a gift), I tried to only use it for special occasions, such as nights out or meals. I must say, for a MAC product, I had higher hopes for it, that weren't really met. The applicator is soft, picks up the right amount of liquid, and is easy to hold... But the actual eyeliner itself is not the best. I find myself having to smear it on my eye because it is constantly leaving patches. I also have to used 2-3 times the amount of product when I use it, because it seems to evaporate when it touches your eyelid. It also doesn't last very long, and seems to dry and 'crack' off really easily. Has anybody else had this problem? Or am I just botched up? ha!

The Rimmel London Exaggerate Liner is currently £5.29 at Boots. This is currently being used as my daily go-to eyeliner, since I want to use up the liners I have before they dry up. This lasts a lot longer, but still glides on as nicely as the MAC liner. This can be worn for a day out, though I do find it starts to 'crack' off at the ends of my eyes, so I have to sometimes reapply it if i'm out for a full day. I can live with that for now, but I know i'll soon be after a new liner to try, since these are slowly running out. 

Comment below with some of the liquid eyeliners you have tried, and your experiences!


  1. I really want to get back into using liquid eyeliners so this was a great post! :)


    1. Thank you! I'm slowly having more patience with using liquid eyeliner, as it used to go everywhere when I first used it! haha
