22 February, 2014

Get To Know Me | 35 Facts About Me

I noticed i haven't really introduced myself that much to my followers, so today i thought i would do something different and tell you a few facts about myself. Nothing to personal or deep however, and i'm sure these facts will also be completely useless to you too. But on with the show!

1. I dislike all fizzy drinks except for sprite/7up.

2. Anything sold in New Look will instantly find it's way into my wardrobe. 

3. I laugh at my own jokes for hours after i've said them. 

4. I am absolutely obsessed with Harry Potter and Pitch Perfect. I watch at least one of them every single day!

5. I am a wiz at Rubiks Cubes, and can do them within minutes. (This is a big achievement for me!)

6. Although i blog about beauty and fashion, i would love to work with animals one day. 

7. I can't play any instruments at all, and probably never will be able to. 

8. I have extreme mood swings where i can be happy one minute, and fuming the next. 

9. My cat is so spoilt because i love her so much. In fact, i just love cats in general. 
10. I really dislike dogs. 

11. I am so bad at cooking, it's unreal. I can just about microwave things. 

12. When i was younger, i used to write teen stories, but get a few chapters in and get bored, so start another. 

13. My current phone case is Batman.. Get it?

14. I used to post a lot of youtube videos with my friends, which were quite successful. But now i'm way too scared to start them on my own. 

15. I prefer online shopping. I really hate the thought of spending hours walking round shops, trying to find something. 

16. I get really mardy when i have to get up early, or if i get woken up on my rare days off work. 

17. I have three tattoos: Left foot saying "You light the skies up above me", left wrist saying "Dad", and right rip saying "Illigitimi non carborundrum".
18. I use a Fujifilm Finepix T camera, which is apparently one of the worst cameras for vlogging. Whoops. 

19. I absolutely love Graze boxes, and have one every week. For anybody who doesn't know what these are, you're really missing out! Google it!

20. I often go shopping in my onesie. (Yes, i'm one of those people!)

21. I recently brought a 42" flat tv, even though i only watch three tv programmes. (Pretty Little Liars, Two and a Half Men and Nothing to Declare). 

22. I currently have 7 different lip balms in my bag (i just counted them all), and i'm sure i have at least one in all of my coat pockets. 

23. I love singing, and if you've been around me, you'll have heard me. But i assure you, i'm not very good at it. 

24. My eyes are green, so i love wearing purple eyeshadow to make them stand out more. 

25. I get bored of reading fashion and celebrity magazines, yet never miss a Take a Break mag. (Don't judge) 

26. Gary Barlow is in love with me. Unfortunately he doesn't quite know this yet, but he will understand eventually. 
27. I still live with my dad. 

28. I am a twitterholic. 

29. I hate going out without wearing eyeliner or mascara. 

30. I can't handle romance. Not at all. Nope.

31. I have a body shape most girls would love (big boobs, small waist), yet i absolutely hate it.

32. I absolutely hate when people post attention-seeking statuses on facebook. I immediately block their posts or delete them off it. 

33. Snapchat is my best friend.

34. As well as beauty, i'm also a girl gamer. Yep!

35. My female crush is, and always has been Rihanna. Who wouldn't?
I'd love to get to know my followers better, so feel free to answer below and link me to your blog. Use this as a big of a tag too if you're stuck for blog posts! I hope to hear from you all soon! :)

1 comment:

  1. I have similar post on my blog, only it's 25 facts! I loved reading yours! Thank you for your nice comment on my review, it means a lot to me! And yeah, I also highly recommend the Scandaleyes mascara it does wonders, i have a review on it too! Would You like us to follow each other on GFC? Let me know on my blog! :)
    Much Love!!!
