13 February, 2014

Leap Of Faith | Youtube

I know the title sounds cringey, but i literally do feel like i'm taking a massive leap. Since i can remember, i've wanted to make youtube video's. Just to be able to interact with everyone, and voice my opinions. But i've been so unbelievable camera shy, and i've always felt so silly talking to a camera, that i just sit there like an awkward giraffe. Or i just put it off altogether. 
So a few days ago, i finally gave in to myself and thought 'what's the worst that can happen?' I'll post it below for anybody interested. It's not amazing, and i'm not going to pretend it is. Now blogger likes to play up a lot for me, and will not allow me to link my Youtube in order to directly show my video, so instead i've had to post a link. I know, how much extra effort is that for you all! But i would appreciate it if you checked it out.

If you make your own Youtube video's, please post them below in a comment. I don't want this just to be one sided. I'd love to check everyone's out, to gain idea's and just to pass my time! Also, let me know of any topic's you think would be interesting to cover.


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