28 February, 2014

Shopping for Summer | Contest Give Away

I hope i'm not the only one already shopping for summertime outfits. Summer is definitely the best time of year for me, since i am always cold as it. And theres nothing better than wearing cute outfits and being able to go out in them, rather than covering it all up with a massive coat! You may...Read more

26 February, 2014

Mid Week in Pictures #1

                              I've had quite a productive week this week. So i decided to share my week through pictures. On saturday, i got dolled up and went out with a few friends. It's the first night...Read more

25 February, 2014

Eyes of the Day

Rather than outfit of the day, or make-up of the day, i decided to focus on my eyes today. Mainly because i was having a lazy day, and i don't wear much make-up as it is. It doesn't bother me when i don't wear my foundation or concealer, but i do hate the thought of going out without doing anything...Read more

23 February, 2014

Make-up Wishlist | February

I've been getting into blogging and reading reviews a lot more recently. And through that i've read about quite a few different products that i would love to try, if only i had unlimited money! I am quite picky with my make-up and usually just wear the basics; concealer, foundation,...Read more

22 February, 2014

Get To Know Me | 35 Facts About Me

I noticed i haven't really introduced myself that much to my followers, so today i thought i would do something different and tell you a few facts about myself. Nothing to personal or deep however, and i'm sure these facts will also be completely useless to you too. But on with the show! 1. I...Read more

20 February, 2014

False Eyelash Hassle.

It's just a quick one today, as i'm off out. But i just wanted to highlight the effort us girls go through when putting on false eyelashes, and the hassle it is too. To any girls who decide to wear these, i applaud you! I had never tried to apply them until i this weekend, when i thought i would...Read more

19 February, 2014

February Favourites | Nail Polish

I absolutely love nail polishes and nail art, so i thought i would show you a few of my favourites. Well, when i say favourites, i could only dwindle the pick down to about ten of my favourites though, because i just have so many.  I'll start with my latest purchase, a Kelly Brook range, which...Read more

18 February, 2014

Revlon Colorstay 24hr Review | 110 Ivory

I have seen so many blog posts recommending Revlon Colorstay foundation, so thought it was about time i purchased it now i have ran out of my old Wake Me Up foundation. So i've been using my new foundation for around two weeks now, and i don't feel it's as good as other people feel it is. However,...Read more

17 February, 2014

Soap and Glory | Mini Set

Soap and Glory sets are way too popular in the beauty industry, and in all honesty, i've never really understood the hype around it. I've noticed with beauty products that most of the time, things are brought because of their name, rather than their quality. But since receiving a Soap and...Read more

16 February, 2014

21 Questions | Get To Know Me

I wanted to do a short 21 questions blog tag to let everyone get to know me a bit better. Granted, none of the information below will make a difference, but i thought it would make a change to my usual reviews.  1. Are you named after anyone? No... My name was apparently chosen more because...Read more

13 February, 2014

Leap Of Faith | Youtube

I know the title sounds cringey, but i literally do feel like i'm taking a massive leap. Since i can remember, i've wanted to make youtube video's. Just to be able to interact with everyone, and voice my opinions. But i've been so unbelievable camera shy, and i've always felt so silly talking to a camera, that i just sit there like an awkward giraffe. Or i just put it off altogether.  So...Read more

12 February, 2014

What's In My Bag | Make-up Edition

 Whats in my Make-up bag?! So i thought i would show you all what is in my make-up bag. Though i should mention that i no way at all think that i am a beauty guru, nor will i ever will be- i care way too little about wearing make-up. That being said, i do have quite a few products in my little...Read more

06 February, 2014

Hair Care | Struggling Hair Growth

I should point out before i begin this, that my hair is very slow at growing. And by slow.. i mean ridiculously slow. To the point that i don't even think it is even growing! Now just to prove how slow i mean, I recently told one of my work friends about how i'm trying to grow my hair, to which...Read more